Remember when you were a kid and the days, weeks, and months seemed to stretch on forever? Time felt slow and even a single hour could have endless possibilities.

As adults, this usually isn’t the case anymore. Time flies by in a blur as we get caught up in the grind of calendars, to-do lists, and routines. We know this as the grind and the grind is real.


Forgive us for going so literal here, but mornings often set the tone for the whole day — and for many of us, that starts with grinding those coffee beans.

And it doesn’t stop there! Drinking coffee (or other caffeinated, sugary, and alcoholic beverages) can lead to grinding your teeth, even unconsciously while you sleep at night (a condition known as bruxism).

6 different coffees in mugs
business meeting presentation with open laptops on table


Managing deadlines, keeping up with your team, striving for a promotion: our career paths can start to feel like one long grind toward that ideal position or even just toward retirement.

The stress of work and many of the challenges, problems, and commitments it might come with, can lead to health issues like elevated blood pressure, headaches, lost sleep, and — yes, — even grinding your teeth.


Many workout regimens and exercise programs ask participants to commit to the grind: even when working out, we’re asked to commit with a full-throttle attitude and put the pedal to the metal.

And while regular exercise has tremendous health benefits, pushing ourselves so hard at every turn can backfire on us with muscle tension and the potential for injury, feelings of overwhelm, and added stress.

man doing bicep curls
happy family walking on wet sidewalk


Among the many joys of adulthood is managing a household. Whether you live alone, with a roommate, or with family members, there are bills to be paid and bathrooms to be cleaned and all kinds of errands to run, minor repairs to make, and loose ends to keep track of.

That grind can take its toll, adding frustration and even anxiety to the day.


If we started on a literal note, we should end on a literal note! Grinding your teeth can cause a whole host of problems, starting with damaged teeth, muscle pain, headaches, and even temporomandibular joint problems (also known as TMJ or TMD).

Unfortunately, bruxism is often caused by stress — meaning that the daily grind can lead to teeth grinding.

But there is hope! Managing your daily stress and promoting relaxation, cutting back on caffeinated, sugary, and alcoholic drinks, and wearing a dental guard can all help stop you stop grinding your teeth at night. Look for SleepRight’s dental guards at your local Walgreens, CVS, or Walmart!

old timey dentistry sign