There is nothing so sweet as a good night’s sleep. And it’s essential to a happy and productive life! But we face many hurdles to restful sleep: too much exposure to blue light from our collection of screens, a reliance on caffeine or other stimulants to wake us up and keep us going throughout the day, and the pressures of a busy schedule and a never-ending to-do list.

And bruxism can make it even worse. Bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, keeps millions from enjoying a truly refreshing sleep — or from even getting any sleep at all. If you think you might be grinding your teeth and your nights are suffering, fear not: here are four things you can do to help you sleep better.

Cut down on caffeine

While there can be benefits (and enjoyment) from caffeinated beverages, they can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. Consuming caffeine into the afternoon or evening can prevent your body from being able to fall asleep once the sun goes down. And repeating that cycle can lead to dependency and feeling like you need caffeine to function.

Caffeine and alcohol can also contribute to bruxism, further increasing the likelihood of less-than-stellar shuteye.

Keep a schedule

Having an erratic sleep schedule can make your body confused. Going to bed at different times and sleeping in late on the weekends makes it difficult for your body to anticipate a sleep rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep, to stay asleep, or to wake up feeling refreshed.

Creating a nighttime ritual before going to bed can also help prime your body for sleep. It can help you prepare — both physically and mentally — to sleep better before you even lay your head on the pillow.

Clean your room

You may think that all you need for a good sleep is a place to lay down, and that’s not exactly wrong. But it’s not the whole truth either. Dust, clutter, and light can all have a big impact on how well you sleep. Dust builds up quickly and can lead to congestion and snoring. Clutter can keep you from feeling totally relaxed, creating tension or anxiety that — even if it’s mild enough that you’re not really conscious of it — prevents good rest.

Light, of course, is also a huge factor in your quality of sleep. Even the faintest lights (an alarm clock, a battery indicator, the light from another room) can throw off your sleep.

Work out during the day

While adding in extra activity may seem counterintuitive when talking about sleep, spending some time out and about might be just what you need. Staying active has all kinds of benefits that can help you sleep better, from improving circulation and cardiovascular health to decreasing anxiety and depression.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine is a great way to help improve overall health while making it easier to sleep better.

If you think that bruxism is keeping you from getting the sleep you need, you may also benefit from a dental guard. To learn more, visit