In this month of reflection, intention, and resolution, what are your hopes for a beautiful smile in 2019? Many start the year thinking about health — but they often forget the importance of oral health!

A healthy smile is about more than just looking good in photos (although that usually doesn’t hurt). Having a healthy mouth and a great smile indicates good overall health and a sense of well-being. Negative changes to your oral health can have a big impact and create lasting problems. The effects of long-term bruxism (grinding your teeth at night), for example, can include headaches, jaw pain, and severe damage to your teeth.

Stop the effects of bruxism in their tracks and resolve in 2019 to protect your beautiful smile. Here are three steps to embrace in the new year to promote oral health.

1. Brush and Floss

The cornerstone of any good oral hygiene routine, brushing and flossing your teeth every day will help keep your mouth healthy from top to bottom. This is especially important when drinking caffeinated and acidic beverages, which can exacerbate bruxism and damage tooth enamel. Because grinding your teeth can lead to weakened or decaying teeth, keeping them clean and healthy with regular brushing and flossing is essential.

2. Wear a Mouthguard

Grinding your teeth at night is one of the quickest ways to damage your beautiful smile. Plus, bruxing can lead to muscle tension, headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and poor sleep (both yours and your partner’s!). Wearing a mouthguard at night can stop the grinding and the effects of long-term bruxism, and it can help promote overall oral health. For more information on how a mouthguard can help you this year, visit

3. Go to the Dentist

Regular visits to your dentist can ensure that you’re maintaining good oral health — and help you identify any potential problems sooner rather than later. Dental problems, especially damage to teeth, can quickly become difficult, painful, and expensive to repair. Make sure you’re getting your mouth checked twice a year for signs of cavities, plaque and tartar buildup, and teeth grinding. And be sure to heed your dentist’s advice and recommendations for at-home care!

It’s a new year and a new you. Follow these steps in 2019 to keep a beautiful smile and stop the effects of long-term bruxism. Keep your mouth healthy all year long!