Nighttime teeth grinding affects lots of people: an estimated 1 in 10 adults and as many as 1 in 3 children. Regular teeth grinding can lead to jaw pain, restless sleep, muscle tightness, damaged enamel, and cracked teeth. Bruxing (unconsciously grinding your teeth) can even lead to lost teeth and gum disease.

Dental guards are one of the best tools to use in the fight against bruxism and to protect your teeth from the effects of all that grinding.

But when it comes to custom dental guards, they can cost hundreds of dollars — sometimes more than $500 from your dentist. And that cost may only be covered partially, or not at all, by your dental insurance provider. Custom dental guards are created from a mold of your teeth, which is taken by your dentist. This creates a bespoke fit, which can be great as long as it fits right. But any changes to your bite or your teeth can require additional adjustments to your guard, either by your dentist or the lab that created it. That can take a lot of time and maybe even more money out of your pocket.

Rather than spending hundreds of dollars on custom dental guards, there are other options available. Don’t worry: we’re not suggesting anything that requires you to boil water in order to get a good fit! SleepRight’s self-adjust dental night guards have bite pads that can be easily positioned to customize a fit for all sizes and bites. You don’t have to bite into hot plastic or clasp anything to your teeth; these dental guards use the natural tissue retention in your mouth to keep the guard in place. SleepRight’s dental guards will comfortably keep you from grinding your teeth in your sleep without the hassle of boiling water or the high expense of custom dental guards.

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